Sunglasses- A Display Of dissimilar Sunglasses For Dissimilar Hair Color

One can locate diverse sunglasses in the market and a number of people like to make their own sunglasses. These items have develop into a part of our clothing. How can you make your own sunglasses by picking the dissimilar shade color available. You can always make your much loved frames or your favorite pair of sunglasses to pair of prescription sunglasses that look exactly like a pair of non-prescription sunglasses, with your favorite shade of tint. You have a broad variety of possibilities available as you can select any frames you like get the lenses dyed. However be careful while picking the tint colors, it is important to select tint color that matches your skin tone and hair color.

Choice of the lens tint color is not only important, it is equally vital to select the color for your prescription glasses carefully. Individuals who have fair complexion should opt for warm colors like Red, purple, magenta, blue and green colors frames work well for those with dark and brown hair.

Light tint color like light pink, rose, yellow, brown and grey are used for trend purpose but if you are looking for a good sunglasses tint then you can opt for dark grey and brown as these are dark color and will be much darker than any other color. Most popular tint color is Gray as it offers good protection against glare, making them a good choice for driving and common use.Red and blue colors give less uv protection as it allows 70% of visible light to be transmitted through the lens inside and 30% of visible light is transmitted outside.. Brown tint color is great for driving and computer use. G-15 is a tint composed of green and gray and tint reduces glare and lessens eyestrain in very bright sunlight.

After picking the tint color and the frames, you should know about the tint intensity so that the tint can be applied on the lenses according to your need.dyed lenses can be colored in dissimilar intensity like Light, Medium and Dark Solid since the lenses are dyed by the process of absorption by immersing the lenses in a warm color solution. The intensity of darkness depends on how long the lenses are immersed in a color tank. If you want the lenses to retain same color throughout the lenses the whole lenses is submerged in the tank for a specific time and if you want the lenses to retain a gradient tint (Dark on top and light at the bottom) then top portion of the lenses is dipped in the solution for longer period as compared to the bottom half of the lenses.

This type of gradient tint is recommended for bifocal sunglasses as it offers clear vision from the reading area.

Dark solid tint which has a tint intensity of 80%-90% darkness which are not recommended for driving as the lenses are really dark and it may interrupt your vision. Medium tint with an intensity of 50%-60% tinting are recommended for driving. You can also opt for yellow tint which is also referred as “blue-blocker” as it blocks blue rays hence decreases haze and makes the object appear sharper.